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Raygorodetsky, Gleb
Strict Protection or Managed Harvest? Furbearers, Institution and Socioeconomic Change in Kamchatka, Russia (1971-2001).
Director of Community-Based Monitoring & Knowledge, Alberta Environment and Parks; Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta
Quintero-Rivero, Maria-Esther
Avian Diversification in the Andes: Understanding Endemism Patterns and Historical Biogeography
Priority Species Program at the Comisión Nacional para el Uso y Conocimiento de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO)
Mockrin, Miranda
Duiker hunting/N Congo
Research Scientist, U.S. Forest Service
Foerster, Steffen
disease ecology, epidemiology, behavioral ecology
Director, Data Unit, Division Management & Systems Coordination, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Flynn, Dan
Community and ecosystem ecology in Inner Mongolia, China
Data Scientist, Volpe National Transportation Research Center, Cambridge, MA
Fiorello, Christine
Disease ecology of wild and domestic carnivores in Bolivia.
Zoo Veterinarian, Albuquerque BioPark
Cullman, Georgina
Land use, diverse values, and conservation practice in the periphery of Makira protected area, northeastern Madagascar
Ecologist, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
Coffey, Kevin
Agrodiversity in Southeast Asia.
FEWS NET Program Manager, USAID, Washington D.C.
Zambrana Flores, Ivan
Political Ecology, Conservation Biology, Climate Change
Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Plurinationa; State of Bolivia to the United Nations
Shearer, Jessica
Evolutionary biology, disease ecology
Sustainability Coordinator, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation
Schikler, Peter
Senior Counsel, Environmental Law Division at the New York City Law Department
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