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Pineda-Catalan, Oscar
Anthropogenic Pressures and Effects on Podocnemis Turtles (P. expansa, P. unifilis, P. sextuberculata) in the Iquitos Area of the Peruvian Amazon
Conservation Biologist at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/American Museum of Natural History
Systematics, Biogeography, and Conservation Studies of the Turtle Family Geoemydidae.
Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History
Zenny, Nathalie
Coral reef ecology
Environmental and Conservation Specialist, Tropical Marine Conservation
Zambrana Flores, Ivan
Political Ecology, Conservation Biology, Climate Change
Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Plurinationa; State of Bolivia to the United Nations
Young Cerimele, Kristal
Urban ecology
Stay At Home Mom in Vista, California
Yau, Ferdie
Endangered mammals, jaguars
Training Director and Behavior Consultant, Behavior Vets of NYC
Willigan, Erin
Executive Director of Saving Nature
Warlick, Anne-Elizabeth
Human and large mammal ecology conservation, focus on Tanzania.
Senior Project Manager at VHB, Watertown, MA
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