Xia, Yushu Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) Soil science; Ecosystem modeling; Remote sensing; Terrestrial water and nutrient dynamics yx2885@columbia.edu 845-365-8308
Pischedda, Alison BARNARD BIOLOGY Evolutionary Genetics, Animal Behavior apischedda@barnard.edu 212-854-9865
Seewagen, Chad Great Hollow Nature Preserve & Ecological Research Center Avian Biology; Migration; Mercury Ecotoxicology cseewagen@greathollow.org
Ware, Jessica American Museum of Natural History Entomology, Systematics, Phylogeny, Genomics, Morphology jware@amnh.org 212-769-5494
Macey, Suzanne American Museum of Natural History Conservation education; species ecology, conservation, and management; turtles sm3255@columbia.edu 212-496-3431
Lopatkin, Allison Barnard Biology Microbiology; Systems and synthetic biology; Evolution of antibiotic resistance alopatkin@barnard.edu 212-853-2564
Kross, Sara University of Canterbury Conservation biology, Animal behavior, and Anthropogenic forces smk2258@columbia.edu