Congratulations to Nicolas Shogo Locatelli who received a Society of Systematic Biologists Graduate Student Research Award to support his project on coral genetics in Hawaii. The award will be used to sequence coral samples he collected this summer in Oahu.
Field Notes
The Most Influential Scientific Minds! E3B celebrates Dr. Ruth DeFries and Dr. Shahid Naeem for being identified on this years list of Highly Cited Researchers of 2018 by the Web of Science. This list recognizes world-class researchers whose exceptional performance serves as a reliable point of reference across a variety of scientific fields.
Interested in remote sensing and environment? You’re in luck! The Griffin Lab in collaboration with Jan Eitel and Natalie Boelman has just published a paper investigating proximal remote sensing of tree physiology.
Congratulations to the E3B Faculty members recently acknowledged in the 2018 A&S Faculty Distinction
Congratulations E3B alumnus Liliana Davalos! Liliana recently received the “Understanding the Rules of Life” award from the National Science Foundation for her research addressing the “Genomics of exceptions to scaling of longevity to body size.”
E3B PhD student Meredith VanAcker’s research on tick exposure in New York City was recently discussed in the Uptowner
Congratulations E3B Post Doc Kyle Davis. Kyle recently won the 2018 “Science for Solutions” award from the American Geophysical Union
2018 Annual E3B BBQ. Starting the academic year with great food, great conversation and great energy.
E3B Chair Shahid Naeem, faculty and returning students welcome incoming MA and PhD students at the 2018 E3B Orientation
Congratulations Marina Cords and Holly Fuong on your accomplishments at the International Primatological Society Congress in Nairobiwon, Kenya. Dr. Cords was recently elected vice president for research and Holly won the best student poster award at the 27th IPSC competition.
New paper by Ben Taylor and Duncan Menge out in NaturePlants shows that light regulates nfix more strongly than soil nitrogen in Pentaclethra macroloba symbioses in LaSelva
Dr. Don Melnick’s research on the worldwide effects of wildfires was recently featured in the current issue of The New York Times Opinion edition.