Senior Theses
Name: Natalia Arguelles
Title of Thesis: No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed: Understanding Variation in Rates of Injury and Poor Health in Wild Blue Monkeys
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Marina Cords
Mentor's Affiliation: Dept EEEB, Columbia University
Name: Emma Gometz
Title of Thesis: Once in a Blue Moon: What Predicts Daytime Births In Blue Monkeys, and Does Hour of Birth Affect Survivorship?
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Marina Cords
Mentor's Affiliation: Dept EEEB, Columbia University
Name: Ruby Mustill
Title of Thesis: Love Drunk off My Rump: Female Parity, Sexual Signaling, and Sexual Behavior in the Kinda Baboon (Papio kindae)
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Megan Petersdorf
Mentor's Affiliation: Department of Anthropology, New York University
Name: Caroline Soper
Title of Thesis: Parental Modulation of the Infant Hippocampus
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dr. Regina Sullivan
Mentor's Affiliation: Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Name: Jordyn Tomlin
Title of Thesis: Assessing Sex Using Metric Mastoid Volume: A New Approach Involving the Mastoid Process
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dr. Kanya Godde
Mentor's Affiliation: Department of Anthropology, University of La Verne
Name: Clara Benioff
Title of Thesis: The Path from the Homeland: The Evolution and Biogeography of Indo-European Languages
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dr. Ward Wheeler & Dr. Peter Whitely
Mentor's Affiliation: American Museum of Natural History [AMNH]
Name: Morgan Brown
Title of Thesis: Stable Isotope Analysis of Cercopithecidae in the Shungura Formation 3.3-1.2 Ma: Dietary Niche Partitioning of Theropithecus and Sympatric Monkeys
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dr. Kevin Uno
Mentor's Affiliation: Lamont Doherty Research Institute, Columbia University
Name: Alexandra Maces
Title of Thesis: Corporal Perceptions in Nasca Society
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Terrance D'Altroy
Mentor's Affiliation: Dept. of Anthropology, Columbia University
Name: Nikita Israni
Title of Thesis: A Synthetic Approach to Vitamin D Deficiency in the Past and Present
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Name: Cecilia Sena
Title of Thesis: Evaluating the Taxonomic Status of the "Robust" Australopithecines: A Comparative Analysis
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Christopher Gilbert
Mentor's Affiliation: Dept. of Anthropology, Hunter College, CUNY
Name: Amanda Frame
Title of Thesis: Biocultural Narratives, Race, and Birth in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Name: Sofia Schembari
Title of Thesis: No Monkey Business: Why Blue Monkey Males Reject Female Sexual Advances
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Marina Cords
Mentor's Affiliation: Dept EEEB, Columbia University
Name: Jonathan Harper
Title of Thesis: Drying Effects on Bone Defects. Investigating a Method of Perimortem Size Estimation
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dr. Douglas Ubelaker
Mentor's Affiliation: Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
Name: Humza Mira
Title of Thesis: Resting State Analysis in Kallmann Patients
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dr. François Lalonde
Mentor's Affiliation: National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD
Name: Juliana Cuartas Barajas
Title of Thesis: What the Bones of the Living Can Tell Us About the Dead
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Name: Ian Hewitt
Title of Thesis: Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Mating Psychology: Testing Predictions Generated by "Feminization" Hypotheses of Male Homosexuality
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Richard Lippa
Mentor's Affiliation: CSU Fullerton
Name: Laura Hunter
Title of Thesis: Slipping on the Banana Peel: The Evolutionary Basis of Mirth
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Name: Nia Hollister-Bernier
Title of Thesis: From Climbing in Trees to Throwing Life a Pro: The Evolution of the Shoulder and Its Relation to Modern Human Injuries
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Name: Sarah Ricklan
Title of Thesis: Torquing and Talking: Evaluating Methods to Study Brain Asymmetries and Their Evolution
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Prof. Ralph Holloway
Mentor's Affiliation: Department of Anthropology, Columbia University
Name: Juliana Cuartas
Title of Thesis: Child Abuse: What the Bones of the Living Can Tell Us About the Dead
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Ian Hewitt
Title of Thesis: Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Mating Psychology: Testing Predictions
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Nia Hollister-Bernier
Title of Thesis: The Evolution of the Shoulder: From Climbing Trees to Throwing Like a Pro and Its Relation to Injuries in Modern Human
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Laura Hunter
Title of Thesis: The Evolutionary Basis of Mirth
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Sarah Ricklan
Title of Thesis: Asymmetrical Brains: Evaluation of Methods Used to Study Asymmetries in Hominin Brain Endocasts
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Ralph Holloway
Mentor's Affiliation: Dept of Anthropology, CU
Name: Rachel Bell
Title of Thesis: Factors Affecting the Activity Budget of Female Blue Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni)
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Laritz Diaz
Title of Thesis: Evolutionary and Neural Origins of Anxiety
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Justine Horton
Title of Thesis: Revisiting the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis, 43-YearsLater
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Daniel R. Wang
Title of Thesis: Bat-Borne Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Case Studies Analysis of Host Ecology and Anthropogenic Drivers
Academic Advisor: Jill S. Shapiro
Name: Laura Booth
Title of Thesis: Has prevalence and diversity of avian malaria changed with a changing climate?
Academic Advisor: Hugh Ducklow
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dustin Rubenstein
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Alexandra Decandia
Title of Thesis: Method for the noninvasive sex identification of order Carnivora
Academic Advisor: Jenna Lawrence
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): George Amato
Mentor's Affiliation: AMNH
Name: Alessandra Vecino Gazabon
Title of Thesis: Intrapopulational Variation in Cranial Non-Metric Traits for Ancestry Determination: A Case Study with European Populations
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jill Shapiro
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Lucy Gill
Title of Thesis: A soil story: Reconstructing the paleoecological and anthropological history of Haverstraw tidal marshlands
Academic Advisor: Jenna Lawrence
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dorthy Peteet
Mentor's Affiliation: NASA/LDEO
Name: Dezmond Goff
Title of Thesis: Responses of biological nitrogen fixation in bulk soils and lichen-moss soil crusts to nitrogen fertilization of Pacific northwest alpine dry meadows
Academic Advisor: Matt Palmer
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Darlene Zabowski
Mentor's Affiliation: University of Washington
Name: Elleny Gutierrez
Title of Thesis: How Man Made His Best Friend. A Synthetic Approach to the History of Dog Domestication
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jill Shapiro
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Taylor Hains
Title of Thesis: Does hybridization occur in a captive population of the scarlet macaw complex (Ara macao)?
Academic Advisor: Jenna Lawrence
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): George Amato
Mentor's Affiliation: AMNH
Name: Shaneka Langhorne
Title of Thesis: Genetics and the Consumer: An Evaluation of the Direct-to-Consumer Genetics Industry in Society
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jill Shapiro
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Elora Lopez
Title of Thesis: Genetic Connectivity Among Populations of Black Sea Cucumber (Holothuria atra) in Fiji
Academic Advisor: Jenna Lawrence
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Josh Drew
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Caitlin Miller
Title of Thesis: Abdominal Skeleton Variation in Neotropical Collared Lizards (Tropidurus)
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): André Luiz Gomes de Carvalho
Mentor's Affiliation: American Museum of Natural History
Name: Julia Oppenheimer (Barnard Anthropology --honorary EBHS)
Title of Thesis: Robust Bodies and Resilient Spirits: An Anthropometric Assessment of Nutritional Status in the New York African Burial Ground Population
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jill Shapiro
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Hannah Skolnik
Title of Thesis: Patterns of DNA methylation in the avian glucocorticoid receptor: A study of NR3C1 in Lamprotornis superbus
Academic Advisor: Matt Palmer
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dustin Rubenstein
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Julia Russell
Title of Thesis: The effects of oyster aquaculture on sediment processes
Academic Advisor: Hugh Ducklow
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Anne Giblin
Mentor's Affiliation: Marine Biological Laboratory
Name: Evelyn Jagoda
Title of Thesis: Small- and Large-Scale Polymorphic Repetitions in the Primate Genome: Microsatellites, Copy Number Variations, and their Significance in the Study of Biological Anthropology
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Anne Stone
Mentor's Affiliation: Arizona State University
Name: Gideon Wolf
Title of Thesis: A Spoonful of Sugar. Understanding the Complexities of HIV-medication Adherence within the Medical, Political, and Cultural Sphere of Botswana
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Shaanan Meyerste
Mentor's Affiliation: Botswana Baylor Children's Clinical Center of Excellence, Gaborone
Name: Lucia Weinman
Title of Thesis: A comparison of SNP and microsatellite markers for parentage analysis in a cooperatively breeding bird
Academic Advisor: Natalie Boelman
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Dustin Rubenstein
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Madeline Thaler
Title of Thesis: A Morphological Phylogeny of Pomecentrids Endemic to The South Pacific
Academic Advisor: Elisa Bone
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Josh Drew
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Misha Solomon
Title of Thesis: Selective Promiscuity: A Critical Analysis of the Deployment of Female Sexuality in Studies of Nonhuman Primate Mate Choice and Human Mate Choice
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jill Shapiro
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Victoria Silva
Title of Thesis: Putting the Science Back into Forensics: A Closer Look into Biological Developments in Forensic Science and Their Future Impact in the Field
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Welyn Craig
Mentor's Affiliation: The Forensic Panel
Name: Leslie Quade
Title of Thesis: The Precarious Search for Caries: Progression of Oral Health at the Medieval site of La Granède, France
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Stephan Naji
Mentor's Affiliation: Université Bordeaux
Name: Molly Priester
Title of Thesis: Evaluating nymphalid butterflies as indicators of biodiversity in southwestern Amazonia
Academic Advisor: Matthew Palmer
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Chris Kirkby
Mentor's Affiliation: Fauna Forever
Name: Kelsey Kephart
Title of Thesis: Gathering Dust: A Bioarchaeological Examination of the Non-Adult B2 Skeletal Collection
Academic Advisor: Jill Shapiro
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jill Shapiro
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Gabriella Aitcheson
Title of Thesis: Expression of TGFßI in Bronchial Epithelial Cells from Patients with Asbestos-Induced Mesothelioma Causes Down-Regulation of Tumorigenesis
Academic Advisor: David Reid
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Tom Hay and Youping Sun
Mentor's Affiliation: Columbia U. – Mailman/ Physicians & Surgeons
Name: Abigail Golden
Title of Thesis: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Conservation Concerns of Subsistence and Artisanal Fishers in a Fijian Fishing Village
Academic Advisor: Elisa Bone
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Josh Drew
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Rebecca Gibson
Title of Thesis: Analyzing vegetation indices as rapid indicators of leaf pigment content in the Arctic tundra
Academic Advisor: David Reid
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Natalie Boelman and Kevin Griffin
Mentor's Affiliation: LDEO/ E3B
Name: Jessica Gersony
Title of Thesis: Greater shrub dominance enhances canopy nitrogen concentration in the Arctic tundra
Academic Advisor: Matthew Palmer
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Natalie Boelman and Kevin Griffin
Mentor's Affiliation: LDEO/ E3B
Name: Morgan Dorsch
Title of Thesis: Tree seed and seedling dynamics in recently established urban reforestation sites
Academic Advisor: Elisa Bone
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Matthew Palmer
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B
Name: Suzanna Buck
Title of Thesis: Genetic variation at an immune-relevant locus in urban and rural populations of Peromyscus leucopus in New York State
Academic Advisor: Matthew Palmer
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Jason Munshi-Sout
Mentor's Affiliation: Fordham
Name: Rachel Arkebauer
Title of Thesis: Respiratory responses to temperature change in broadleaf trees from the northeastern US
Academic Advisor: David Reid
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Kevin Griffin
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B/ LDEO
Name: Moyo Ajayi
Title of Thesis: Examining Arctic Shrub Physiology in CO2 Exchange
Academic Advisor: Stephanie Pfirman
Project Advisor(s)/Mentor(s): Kevin Griffin and Natalie Boelman
Mentor's Affiliation: E3B/ Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory