Haeckel, Ingrid tropical forest ecology, ethnobotany ingrid.haeckel@dec.ny.gov Conservation and Land Use Specialist the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Hudson River Estuary Program
Taylor, Benton The environmental regulation of symbiotic nitrogen fixation bentonneiltaylor@gmail.com Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Ugbah, Nene behavior, anthropogenic effects on behavior nku2102@columbia.edu Senior Laboratory Assistant, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Gunther, Tricia wildlife conservation, captive breeding, policy tag2146@columbia.edu Zookeeper, Bergen County Zoological Park
Duarte, Rinna anatomical reconstruction both paleo and forensic rinduarte@gmail.com Management Specialist, New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General
Booth, Laura lsb2137@columbia.edu Biological Science Technician, Presidio Trust, San Francisco, California
Cannon, Brandi Botanical Conservation bcc2145@columbia.edu Middle School Science Curriculum Coordinator
Sardelis, Stephanie Marine Mammal Conservation stephanie.sardelis@gmail.com Senior Aquatic Invasive Species Biologist, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Abdel-Qader, Faisal Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology // Research in Infectious Diseases fa2321@cumc.columbia.edu Evaluation Specialist at NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Yackulic, Charles GEOGRAPHIC RANGE AND POPULATION DYNAMICS OF ENDANGERED SPECIES. POPULATION AND ECOSYSTEM MODELLING OF MANAGED RIVERS. cyackulic@usgs.gov Research Statistician, U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center