Xia, Yushu Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) Soil science; Ecosystem modeling; Remote sensing; Terrestrial water and nutrient dynamics yx2885@columbia.edu 845-365-8308
Macedo, Marcia Assistant Professor; E3B and Columbia Climate School Ecosystem ecology, Land-use change mnm2115@columbia.edu
Bendesky, Andrés Associate Professor Evolutionary genetics; behavior; development; hybridization ab4463@columbia.edu
Pollack, Marya Columbia Psychiatry Human identity from an interdisciplinary perspective focusing on ethical issues in research and medicine mp23@cumc.columbia.edu 212-942-8500
Pollack, Robert Columbia Biological Sciences Evolutionary Theory; Science and subjectivity pollack@columbia.edu 212-854-2409
Peteet, Dorothy Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Paleoecology, Paleoclimate, Wetland and Carbon Research peteet@ldeo.columbia.edu 914-365-8420
Boelman, Natalie Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Anthropogenic Landscape Change; ecological form and function of Arctic and Boreal ecosystems nboelman@ldeo.columbia.edu 845-365-8480